ステイホームめか! (o^∇^o)ノ

We Helped Rescue a COCKATIEL!

本日ご紹介するオカメインコ動画は『We Helped Rescue a COCKATIEL!』です↓↓↓



高評価:884件 / 低評価:448件

動画公開日:2018-11-07 08:33:30

投稿者様チャンネル名:Mizzy’s Parrots


This awesome bird was found out in the open on a golf course! Anything could have eaten him had it not been for a wonderful family who spotted him and brought him home!

We plan on keeping Sammie as long as it takes to find his true owner/s. If we never do, he will live safely with us, but we will never stop looking.

If you are ever interested in donating to us, you can do so via PayPal and send to this e-mail :


**Any and all donations will go directly to the care and well being of my animals and to help aid in keeping up with this channel.**

THANK YOU for always being supportive of my animals and my videos!!!! WE LOVE YOU ALL!

本日のオカメインコ動画『We Helped Rescue a COCKATIEL!』はいかがでしたか?





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