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Pet Birds : How to Teach a Pet Cockatiel to Talk

本日ご紹介するオカメインコ動画は『Pet Birds : How to Teach a Pet Cockatiel to Talk』です↓↓↓



高評価:1806件 / 低評価:130件

動画公開日:2009-01-03 01:58:50

投稿者様チャンネル名:ExpertVillage Leaf Group


Teaching a pet cockatiel to talk is simple by repeating a phrase over and over, showing emotion when saying the desired phrase and rewarding the bird after it repeats the phrase. Get a cockatiel to start speaking, careful not to curse often around the bird, with information from a pet hobbyist in this free video on pet care.

Expert: Cordell Jacques
Bio: Cordell Jacques has worked in the pet industry for more than 10 years, currently working at Huron Pet Supply in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Filmmaker: Travis Waack

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