ステイホームめか! (o^∇^o)ノ

Cockatiel Plays Peek-a-boo with 2 week old Baby Budgie

本日ご紹介するオカメインコ動画は『Cockatiel Plays Peek-a-boo with 2 week old Baby Budgie』です↓↓↓



高評価:187件 / 低評価:4件

動画公開日:2021-01-18 08:09:26

投稿者様チャンネル名:Skylend’s Friendly Flock


Omlette has ALWAYS been obsessed with baby budgies and at the first introduction will try to win their hearts. We have assigned him to the welcome committee in our home because he has such a way with making new members feel accepted and right at home. In this video Omlette was introduced to our 2.5 week old new budgie baby, and it seems Omlette got right down to business with some fun and games! Peek-a-boo, to be specific!

本日のオカメインコ動画『Cockatiel Plays Peek-a-boo with 2 week old Baby Budgie』はいかがでしたか?





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