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Pied Cockatiel Singing Sounds, Cockatiel Calls – Natural Songs

本日ご紹介するオカメインコ動画は『Pied Cockatiel Singing Sounds, Cockatiel Calls – Natural Songs』です↓↓↓



高評価:1594件 / 低評価:92件

動画公開日:2021-06-05 07:59:50

投稿者様チャンネル名:Video Kameraku


Since mid 2020 (around august 2020) we have had several cockatiels. We bring them from places (or breeders) who want to close their place due to the difficulties facing the situation in 2020. Since then, we have started making simple aviary cages for our cockatiels. Even though it’s not big, it can be used for some of the cockatiels there to play. Until March 2021, we plan to breed the cockatiels that are here. And started buying cages for them to mate, and also prepared nest boxes which were bigger than lovebird’s nests. We hope something interesting will happen. We will see later.

Meanwhile, we also tried to record the singing sounds of our male cockatiels. As seen in this video. Here, we’ve rounded up a video of one of our male cockatiels named Tono. We made a video that turned out to be up to 8 hours long. In this video, Tono the male cockatiel sings his natural song, and makes a funny cockatiel sound (like whistle and calls). Tono the male cockatiel has been with us since december 2020. And since then he has continued to adapt and seems to feel comfortable.


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Happy watching or listening. Enjoy.

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Sorry for my bad english 😀

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