ステイホームめか! (o^∇^o)ノ

1 Hour of Aviary (60 Minutes Narration Free Birds) Cockatiel Companion Parrots Quail Pheasants

本日ご紹介するオカメインコ動画は『1 Hour of Aviary (60 Minutes Narration Free Birds) Cockatiel Companion Parrots Quail Pheasants』です↓↓↓



高評価:990件 / 低評価:56件

動画公開日:2017-08-12 18:00:05

投稿者様チャンネル名:Cockatiel Companion and The Pheasantasiam


More Narration Free Aviary Videos:
30 mins of Cockatiels: https://youtu.be/RsUb4S__6YA
30 mins of Aviary: https://youtu.be/3ZkX44OCQ5k
Another 60 mins of Aviary: https://youtu.be/IkT_fBpQnRg
20 mins of Aviary: https://youtu.be/9bxfPeVVttU

This video was all filmed in 1 hour on 2 different cameras on Saturday last week.

Check out my channel: https://www.youtube.com/caryotagigas for more aviary, bird and animal videos (as well as the odd travel video and the like)

本日のオカメインコ動画『1 Hour of Aviary (60 Minutes Narration Free Birds) Cockatiel Companion Parrots Quail Pheasants』はいかがでしたか?





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