本日ご紹介するオカメインコ動画は『オカメインコを自由に飛ばす訓練~How I train my cockatiel to free fly』です↓↓↓
高評価:31608件 / 低評価:1334件
動画公開日:2018-06-02 00:51:23
You asked me a lot of times, so here we are! This time I trained Bubu and took some video of the process 🙂
This is not an ” how to train cockatiels for free flight ” video, because it’s just what I do, and what works for me at my conditions may not work for other people.. this is just to answere your questions 🙂
Of course the recall training is vital and the first step.. but getting used to the outside and learn the area is the most difficul part.
So take this for what it is and enjoy! Feel free to comment and subscribe for more!
本日のオカメインコ動画『オカメインコを自由に飛ばす訓練~How I train my cockatiel to free fly』は面白かったですか?